Our Team

- 2023 - presentAssociate Professor, School of Psychology, Korea University
- 2009 - presentCertified ADOS/ADI-R Trainer
- 2023 - presentDirector, KU SPECTRUM Child Clinical Psychology Lab
- 2023 - presentAdjunct Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College
- 2015 - presentLicensed Clinical Psychologist, New York State
- 2021 - 2022Director of Clinical and Research Operations, Center for Autism and the Developing Brain (CADB), Weill Cornell Medical College
- 2014 - 2015Associate Research Scientist, Yale Child Study Center, Yale University School of Medicine
Dr. Sohyun "Sophy" Kim, Associate Professor of Psychology at Korea University, is a clinical researcher with an extensive background in identifying early behavioral phenotypes and investigating developmental trajectories in children with ASD and other NDDs. She has authored key diagnostic, language and intervention outcome measures such as the Brief Observation of Social Communication Changes (BOSCC), the Measure of NDBI Strategy Implementation - Caregiver Change (MONSI-CC), and the Observation of Spontaneous Expressive Language (OSEL), with her mentor Dr. Cathy Lord. She has led more than 15 projects focused on developing and refining clinical instruments and intervention methods for ASD, funded by NIMH, NIDCD, NICHD. More recently, she has been leading a study funded by the Korean National Research Foundation, examining school readiness in kindergarteners with ASD, integrating behavioral and electrophysiological (ERP/EEG) methods, with a particular focus on cognitive control. She has authored more than 70 journal articles and book chapters. She is also a certified ADOS, ADI-R, MONSI-CC and BOSCC trainer.

Dr. April Boin Choi, received a B.A. in Biological Sciences from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in Education from Harvard University. In her doctoral work, April sought to examine early behavioral and environmental factors that predict language in infants at elevated likelihood of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Specifically, her work focused on the developmental trajectories of gesture and fine motor skills, as well as the role of parent input in children’s language learning. April continued her work as a postdoctoral fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital and Seoul National University Hospital, working on numerous research projects related to neurodevelopmental disorders. As a research professor in KU CCPL, April looks forward to extending her training in ASD assessments and research methodologies (EEG/ERP) and developing evidence-based interventions for autistic individuals and their families across a lifespan.

Jieun Han is a research assistant who graduated from the Department of Psychology at Korea University and is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Clinical and Counseling Psychology at her alma mater. Since starting as an RA in 2022, she has been working as the coding coordinator for the SPROUT study, participating in the BOSCC coding to assess changes in social communication among nonverbal children with autism spectrum disorder. Additionally, she is conducting research on the effects of parental strategies on children's social communication functions using the newly developed MONSI-CC tool, with a particular interest in the mechanisms and 'active ingredients' of parent-mediated NDBI.

Eunsil Yoon graduated from the Department of Psychology at Korea University in 2023 and is currently pursuing a master's degree in Clinical and Counseling Psychology at the same university. Since 2022, she has been working as a Research Assistant (RA) and participating in BOSCC coding to assess children who received JASPER intervention. After entering the graduate program, she has been primarily involved in a project focused on assessing and managing the school readiness of early childhood through a neurodevelopmental difference. Additionally, she is involved in research on Toy Talk, a telehealth-based parental intervention program for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In the future, she plans to become a compassionate and specialized clinician who can assess and treat children with autism.

Jisoo Kim graduated from Korea University in 2023 with a bachelor's degree in psychology. At Korea University, Jisoo worked as a research assistant in the Human Performance Lab, where she studied the effects of factors such as reward, value, and memory on attentional processing and how to design experiments to explore them. She also participated in EEG lectures and practices to learn about EEG data analysis and helped set up EEG equipment. Jisoo is interested in developing scales and diagnostic systems to help determine the presence of co-morbidities and distinguish ASD from other clinical conditions for accurate diagnosis. She is also interested in discovering universal neuropsychological and behavioral cues to help diagnose adult ADHD.

Munju Kim is a master's student researcher who majored in German Studies and Psychology at Korea University. During her undergraduate studies, she gained research experience as a research assistant in the KU Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology Lab. Currently, she is involved in coding projects as part of the SPROUT research team and is conducting studies on camouflaging behaviors and sex differences in children with ASD. Additionally, her research focuses on examining the mediating role of child emotional regulation in the relationship between parental stress and behavior problems in autistic children. Through this work, she aims to alleviate the challenges faced by children with ASD and improve the quality of life for their families. She is also responsible for managing EEG experiments and equipment in the lab and actively participates in related research.

Yeseul Shin graduated from Korea University in 2024 with bachelor's degrees in History Education and Psychology. She is currently developing an intervention program targeting executive function in school-aged autistic children and investigating whether emotion dysregulation significantly predicts peer play skills and adaptive behaviors among them. Also, she belongs to the coding project of BOSCC and MONSI, exploring the relation between symptom changes in autistic children and the use of parent-mediated NDBI strategies. During her undergraduate studies, Yeseul was a facilitator at the Korea Scholar's Conference for Youth (KSCY), a pediatric coordinator at Samsung Medical Center, and a mentor of students with ADHD from an educational volunteer program. Drawing on these experiences, she looks forward to focusing her research on developing individualized intervention programs to enhance daily functioning and quality of life for children with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Researcher Suhyoung Jeong, currently pursuing an integrated master's and doctoral program, completed undergraduate studies in Korean Language and Literature, Economics, and Psychology at KU. Currently, as a member of KU Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology Lab, she is participating in various studies focused on early childhood and school-age children. Ultimately, her goal is to identify predictive factors and develop support programs by analyzing the diverse functions and environments of autistic children. One of the key projects involves utilizing various tools and methodologies to conduct a multi-dimensional analysis of executive functions in early school-age children. In addition, research is being conducted to analyze EEG (electroencephalography) data from early school-age children using various analytical techniques, aiming to predict behavioral traits. Another ongoing project is a survey study targeting caregivers of pre-school and early school-age children with ASD, which investigates their awareness of interventions and neurodiversity.

Ye Rin Jeong holds a B.A. in Psychology and Statistics and is studying Clinical and Counselling Psychology as a graduate student at the same institution. Since joining the team, she has participated in research projects, including assessing changes in caregiver implementation of NDBI strategies, developing a sex and relationship understanding program for autistic adults in Korea, and creating a parent guide animation about NDBI strategies. Her research interests are in measuring the effectiveness and responsiveness of NDBI interventions, and she plans to conduct further research in this area.

Aelin Kim graduated from Rochester University with a B.A. in Psychology and Biology, and has experiences working in various research settings. She expanded her interest in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) while working as a research assistant at Seoul National University Hospital, where she took part in a longitudinal project investigating early diagnosis and prognosis of neurodevelopment disorders and administered Behavior Development Screening for Toddlers (BeDevel). At KU CCPL, she has been involved in multiple projects, including the development and implementation of the cognitive control training for ASD kindergarteners, MONSI-CC coding, and creating parent-mediated NDBI intervention guide animation, to explore ways to improve social communication and executive function in children with ASD.

Sun Choi graduated from Korea University in 2024 with bachelor's degrees in Sociology and Psychology. She is currently a master's student researcher at the KU Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology Lab, where she is conducting a study to develop a stakeholder-driven, culturally sensitive sexual health intervention for autistic adults and to evaluate the acceptability of the intervention. Through this research, she aims to develop a culturally sensitive sexual knowledge and behavior measurement tool for Korean autisctic adults. She is also a coder for the SPROUT study, participating in MONSI coding to assess changes in parent-mediated NDBI use strategies, and creating online-based, parent-mediated NDBI intervention animations for children with autism. In addition, she is conducting research on camouflaging behaviors and gender differences in children with autism through the implementation of the Child Camouflaging Behavior Scale in Korea. By doing so, she looks forward to enhance daily functioning and quality of life for children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders and to reduce social discrimination.

Nayoung Oh, a research assistant, is double-majoring in International Studies and Psychology at Korea University. She is interested in early intervention and capacity improvement in autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disorders. Based on these interests, she wishes to contribute to providing support for difficulties children face in social interaction and adjustment through research. Currently, Nayoung is assisting with research on the school readiness in children with autism spectrum disorder at KU CCP Lab. In the future, she aims to become a clinician who assesses children with various developmental disorders and contributes to their treatment.

Juhyun Lee is majoring in Psychology with a minor in Brain and Cognitive Sciences at Korea University. After taking psychology courses, she realized that accurate diagnosis and appropriate intervention for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are crucial for improving their quality of life. She is currently working as a research assistant in CCPL. Through various research projects, she pursues to passionately learn diagnostic tools such as ADOS and BOSCC to explore ASD further. She is particularly interested in the neuroscientific approach to the behavioral and cognitive abilities of children with ASD. Therefore, she is accumulating her experience by participating in research using electrophysiological technique such as EEG. In the future, she plans to pursue a master’s degree in clinical psychology by deeply studying developmental processes of children and adolescents, especially those with ASD.